In order to activate the brand we created a record player from corrugated cardboard that folds down into an envelope for mailing. 
Spinning the record with a pencil causes vibrations in the needle that are amplified in the cardboard material.
The cardboard folds down into a sleeve. 
The folded record players were mailed out to creative directors across North America. 
A promotional video called “An Introduction to Your Cardboard Phonograph”; including an orientation – “What is this?” you ask – as well as instructions – “How do I play it?”.  
A video leaked from a back room at Cannes showing a judge playing the B-Side sound effects.
The results far exceeded expectations; direct response was over 90% (unheard of for a direct mailer); it was featured on over 500 blogs including Gizmodo and Wired; Visits to spiked from about 50/week to over 70,000. It won at the Cannes Advertising Festival, London International and an honourable mention at the One Show. Each win contributed directly to the exposure of the GGRP brand to their target market: creative directors. Not bad for a project with a budget smaller than a home hi-fi.

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